Only current PTA members are legally qualified to make motions, discuss, and vote.
- Obtain the floor. Member rises and addresses the chair. "Madam/Mister President."
- Assign the floor. The chair recognizes the member by nodding or stating their name.
- Make the motion. "I move that..."
- The motion is seconded. "I second the motion." If there is no second after the chair asks for one, the chair says, "Motion fails for lack of a second."
- Chair states the motion. "It has been moved and seconded that..."
- Debate or discussion. "Is there any discussion?"
- Vote. "All in favor say 'aye.’" "All those opposed say 'nay.’"
- Chair announces result. "The 'ayes' have it and the motion is carried, and we will..." or “The 'nays' have it and the motion is lost."